Call For Submissions
Debbie Stoller of Stitch and Bitch fame is looking to collect information about about some of your favorite yarns. Is there something you buy over and over again? Is there a yarn that you recently used on a project and just adored? Is there a yarn that was so luscious you wish you could just bathe in it? Or one you love so much you want to
marry it?
Debbie is hoping to get quite a variety of recommendations, so don't hesitate to
tell me about some more obscure yarns. If I am able to include your yarn recommendation and write up, you will receive a free copy of the project
once it is completed.
I'll also be giving away copies of my latest book, "Stitch n Bitch: A Knitter's Design Journal," to 15 people selected at random fom those Who have contributed their yarn recommendations. So pop on by and recommend something:
Deadline: January 15, 2006