August 23, 2006

2006 Knit-Out

The 2006 Knit-Out, started by the Craft Yarn Council of America (CYCA), is scheduled to occur Mid-September to Mid-October in venues all around the country with a kick-off on Sunday, September 17th, 2006 in New York City.

Knit-Outs are five-hour, free annual events to bring knitting to the public's attention. Knit-Outs are educational and informational gatherings of knitters and inspiring knitters.

Some activities, depending on what the local group who sponsors the knit-out arranges, can include:

-Free, how to knit and crochet instruction
-Fashion shows
-Show & Share
-Product and magazine displays
-Children's yarn crafts area
-Knitting and Crochet Guild representation

The CYCA encourages knitting groups to host knit-out events in their local areas to promote knitting and encourage others to take up knitting. They offer a knit-out brochure that includes way to organize and promote a knit-out.

A list of knit-out locations and more details about each Knit-Out & Crochet event will be available on the Knit-Out website as information becomes available.

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