The National NeedleArts Association is asking for input about needle art, including knitting and crochet, experiences.
In an effort to help needle arts shops, product makers, and associations The National NeedleArts Association (TNNA) is conducting the American Needlearts Survey 2007. They say:
"Your survey responses will...
**** Help shops and product suppliers enhance your enjoyment of the needle
**** Help The National NeedleArts Association promote the needle arts to
kids and adults
**** Raise money for cancer victim support and needle arts mentoring
**** Make good use of your thoughts and time
The survey asks about your experiences with whichever needle art you enjoy:
crocheting, cross-stitch, embroidery, knitting or needlepoint. We'd like to
know what inspires you, your activities, the sorts of projects you like to
do, your early experiences, where you make needle arts purchases, and what
you'd like to see needle arts shops do better. We want to hear from
beginners and experts!"
TNNA will donate $1 for each of the first 800 online surveys to Living
Beyond Breast Cancer or the Helping Hands Foundation Needlearts Mentoring
Goto to American Needlearts Survey 2007 and fill out the 10-minute survey there.
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